Please join us this weekend for the following services:
Friday @ 7 am: Holy Friday Matins (Service of the 12 Gospels)
Friday @ 5 pm: Vespers of Holy Saturday
Saturday @ 7 am: Holy Saturday Matins — The Lamentations at the Tomb
Saturday @ 12 noon: Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
Saturday @ 11 pm: Paschal Vigil — Midnight Office, Matins and Divine Liturgy followed by blessing of (Paschal Artos and) festal food baskets with festal breakfast
Sunday @ 12 noon: Agape Vespers
To donate to the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Monastery, please use this direct link or the PayPal button at the bottom of our homepage: Orthodox Monastery Monteagle Tennessee (

Photo of the fresco of the Resurrection (Anastasis) sourced April 14, 2023, from the Chora Church Parekklesion Frescoes, Chora Museum, Istanbul, Turkey (