Friday, April 26
5 pm: Vespers of Lazarus Saturday
Saturday, April 27
7 am: Matins of Lazarus Saturday
5 pm: Great Vespers of Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 28
10 am: Divine Liturgy of Palm Sunday
5 pm: Vespers of Holy and Great Monday
Monday, April 29:
7 am: Matins of Holy and Great Monday (Bridegroom Matins)
5 pm: Vespers of Holy and Great Tuesday
Tuesday, April 30:
7 am: Matins of Holy and Great Tuesday (Bridegroom Matins)
5 pm: Vespers of Holy and Great Wednesday
Wednesday, May 1:
7 am: Matins of Holy and Great Wednesday (Bridegroom Matins)
5 pm: Vespers of Holy and Great Thursday
Thursday, May 2:
7 am: Matins of Holy and Great and Great Thursday
3 pm: Vesperal Liturgy of the Institution of the Lord’s Supper (Liturgy of St. Basil)
Friday, May 3:
7 am: Matins of Holy and Great Friday (Service of the Twelve Gospel Readings)
5 pm: Vespers of Holy and Great Saturday
Saturday, May 4:
7 am: Matins of Holy and Great Saturday (The Lamentations at the Tomb)
12 noon: Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
11 pm: Paschal Vigil: Midnight Office, Matins and Divine Liturgy, followed by the blessing of the Artos and food baskets, and a Festal Breakfast
Sunday, May 5:
3 pm: Agape Vespers
Christ is risen!
