On Sunday March 24, Orthodox Christians from across Tennessee and Alabama joined together on the property of the Joy of All Who Sorrow Monastery to celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy, which takes place in every Orthodox Church around the world on the first Sunday of Great Lent.
This annual remembrance commemorates the restoration of icons for use in services and the personal devotional lives of Christians. More specifically, this prayerful celebration marks the victory of the iconodules over the iconoclasts by the decision of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787.

Faithful from Archangel Michael's Serbian Orthodox Church in Huntsville, AL, St. Petka’s Serbian Orthodox Church in Nashville, and St. Peter Orthodox Christian Church (ROCOR) in Lebanon, TN, processed around the Monastery chapel holding icons and chanting the Vesperal Prayers that mark this occasion.

Glory to God!
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